2013年7月3日 星期三




•MAC及PC 適用

MyMicrostock GO Software利用JAVA聯合開發了Go Stock應用程式,此應用程式幫助提供微利素材者方便簡單的上船作業。

利用拖曳資料夾的方式到GO Stock視窗並且只要按一下便上傳至列表中的每一家微利素材廠商。Go Stock 適用於MAC及PC環境下,但必須為JAVA 6以上甚至更高的版本運作。

想使用該免費軟體嗎? 利用以下連結來申請吧!




為了使Go Stock正常運作,以下提供必要且正確方式並針對每家廠商FTP資料設定做檢查。

1. Shutterstock

FTP Server: ftp.shutterstock.com

User: e-mail address linked to your account

Password: your regular site password


2. Fotolia

FTP Server: submit.fotolia.com

User: your user ID (not your nick). To know what is your Fotolia ID go to http://es.fotolia.com/Contributor and you might have it on "Account Information".

Password: your nick + your password,

 i.e.: if your Fotolia nick is "microstocker" and your password is "Micro2012", your FTP password will be "microstockerMicro2012".


3. Dreamstime

FTP Server: upload.dreamstime.com

User: your user ID (not your nick). To know what is your Dreamstime ID go to http://www.dreamstime.com/ftpupload.php and you might have it there.

Password: your regular site password.


4. Depositphotos

FTP Server: ftp.depositphotos.com

User: your regular site nick.

Password: your regular site password.


5. 123RF

FTP Server: ftp.123rf.com

User: your regular site nick.

Password: your regular site password.


6. Photodune

FTP Server: ftp.marketplace.envato.com

Folder: /bulk_import/photos/

User: your regular site nick.

Password: your regular site password.


7. Canstockphoto

FTP Server: ftp.canstockphoto.com

User: your regular site nick.

Password: your regular site password.


8. Bigstockphoto

FTP Server: ftp.bigstockphoto.com

User: your regular site nick.

Password: your regular site password.


9. Crestock

FTP Server: ftp.crestock.com

User: your regular site nick.

Password: your regular site password.

 當然Go Stock是項免費的軟體,如果你覺得它幫助你省去很多時間來上傳照片至微利素材廠商,您可透過以下連結利用捐款的方式協助他們將產品優化更完善。

